How many frogs do I have to kiss before I find my prince? How many boats do I have to sail before I find my next blue water chariot? Three? Five? Ten? Nope. Try fifty-eight! I think we did our due diligence. We made spreadsheets and shot thousands of photos. We considered them all, from A to Z, from an …
Best Features of an Offshore Blue Water Boat – Part II – The Interior
In this post I want to talk about a few below deck features we really liked about our former boats — Elizabeth, a Bristol Channel Cutter 28 and Daphne, a Nor’sea 27. As we search for our new boat and peruse the boat sales websites, we find that the features listed below have subconsciously become features we seek in our …
Best Features of an Offshore Blue Water Boat – Part I – The Exterior
Our former boats — Elizabeth, a Bristol Channel Cutter 28 and Daphne, a Nor’sea 27 were fantastic blue water boats! Both designed by Lyle Hess, they are hard acts to follow. Both were built like tanks, and made to go anywhere. In this post I want to talk about a few of their on deck features we really liked, which …