I made a video!

Teresa Carey Video 33 Comments

I have been exploring other creative sides lately and playing a bit with video making. I have made several and decided to make a short one for this blog. Life Aboard SV Daphne can be found on my SailingSimplicity YouTube channel, or on the side bar of this blog. Let me know what you think! Teresa


Teresa Carey Words 13 Comments

When I was on the high school track team, during warm-ups we did an exercise called “Superman” perhaps because we became super strong from the exercise, or because if we donned a red cape and propped a fan in front of us we would be a flock of Supermans “flying” across the gym floor. Imagine fifty teenagers lying on their …

The Harbor of Hospitality

Teresa Carey Words 16 Comments

I arrived in Elizabeth City with plans to stay for a few days. Some of my sailing friends were there, and I was excited for the reunion and the following days that would likely be a three boat convoy. Benji aboard Elizabeth, Chad and Nicole aboard Sabbatical, and Dory and I aboard Daphne. A trio of sailboats rafting up for …